Our Partners

We can't do this alone. Besides the work of our Board and volunteers, we work together with these other amazing organizations.


Avalon Sexual Assault Centre

The Avalon Sexual Assault Centre is a feminist organization working to eliminate sexual assault/abuse, and to change the current socio-political culture that fosters sexism, social injustice and other forms of oppression. More ore about Avalon.

Black Power Hour

A prisoner led/focused radio show mixing conscious hip hop with discussions of political, cultural, and social issues relevant to Black people. Wednesdays, 9pm AT on CKDU 88.1 ckdu.ca

Coverdale Justice Society

Coverdale is a non-profit charitable organization that supports women, girls and gender-diverse individuals who are involved or at risk of involvement in the criminal justice system. Since the 1920s, Coverdale has provided residential, community, court and justice system services that seek to improve access to justice and strengthen our communities. The society’s programs are governed by a volunteer board of directors and directly operated by a team of skilled professionals trained in the fields of social work, law, human services, addictions, mental health, and criminal justice. More about Coverdale.

East Coast Prison Justice

ECPJS is a collaborative partnership of like-minded individuals and organizations helping criminalized and imprisoned individuals through advocacy, research, scholarship, legal support, education, public service, and provision of grassroots services. More about ECPJS.

Elizabeth Fry Societies

Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS) is an association of self-governing, community-based Elizabeth Fry Societies that work with and for women and girls in the justice system, particularly those who are, or may be, criminalized. Together, Elizabeth Fry Societies develop and advocate the beliefs, principles and positions that guide CAEFS. The association exists to ensure substantive equality in the delivery and development of services and programs through public education, research, legislative and administrative reform, regionally, nationally and internationally. More about: Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia, Elizabeth Fry Society of Cape Breton, and Elizabeth Fry Society New Brunswick.

Mi’kmaw Legal Support Network

The Purpose of MLSN: Is to develop and maintain a sustainable justice support system for all Mi’kmaw and Aboriginal people in the Nova Scotia justice system. The Goal of MLSN: to develop and maintain a new relationship between the Criminal Justice System and the Mi’kmaq and Aboriginal people of Nova Scotia. More about MLSN.

Mi'kmaq Child Development Centre

The Mi'kmaw Child Development Centre is an extension program of the Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Society and is a non-profit Native Family Resource Centre that consists of an Aboriginal Head Start Program, a Community Action Program for Children, a Provincial Child Development Initiative as well as a Provincially funded Daycare Centre. The three complementary Resource Centre initiatives host a wide variety of programs for children aged 0- 7 and their families. The mandate of the Centre is to provide quality culturally appropriate programs/resources for First Nation individuals and their families who are residing off-reserve. More about the Mi'kmaq Child Development Centre.

Northpine Foundation

The Northpine Foundation invests risk capital to achieve scalable outcomes for selected underserved and underinvested communities in Canada. We offer financial and non-financial supports, expertise and networks to explore unmet opportunities, understand alignment, and design ventures together that build relationships to create a healthy and thriving Canada. More about Northpine.

Promoting Leadership in health for African Nova Scotians (PLANS)

PLANS seeks to increase representation of African Nova Scotians in the health professions through recruitment and retention, community collaborations and partnerships to improve health outcomes within the African Nova Scotian community. More about PLANS.

The Rose Clinic

The ROSE Clinic is a procedural abortion and a medical abortion clinic based at the Victoria General site of the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax. There is a provincial self referral line (1-833-352-0719) for information about accessing medical and surgical abortions at the QEII and other locations across the province. You can work with the referral line to learn more about accessing services closer to home. More about ROSE.

Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund

LEAF is a national charitable organization that works towards ensuring the law guarantees substantive equality for all women, girls, trans, and non-binary people. More about LEAF.


Our Sponsors

The NSPIRG (Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group) provides support and resources to community members and students at Dalhousie University and King's College who are working to engage and inspire action around social and environmental issues. 

The Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women was established in 1977 under the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act and the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Regulations. It was created to educate the public and advise the provincial government on issues of interest and concern to women. The Advisory Council works to make sure that issues affecting the lives of Nova Scotia women become part of the government's plan. Our concerns touch all areas of women's lives.