Response to Racist Violence by the HRP

Mayor Mike Savage
PO Box 1749
Halifax, NS
B3J 3A5

c/c Counselor Lindell Smith
Chair, Police Board of Commissioners

Dear Mayor Savage,

We were angered, but sadly not surprised, to see a video circulating on social media in which a white Halifax police officer threatens the life of a Black man who has his hands up. This behavior follows a trend of racist violence by HRP members towards Black community members such as Santina Rao, Serrece Winter, Trayvon Clayton and others. This incident happened to be captured on video but given the HRP’s track record, it is not unreasonable to assume there are similar incidents that have not yet come to light.

On September 26th 2020, Halifax Regional Municipality announced that it would be adopting “internal and externally-focused anti-Black racism strategies and actions”. It also painted the words “Black Lives Matter” on streets. How can Black and other racialized community members have faith in this pledge when racist attacks such as the one in the video continue to happen?

Wellness Within demands the following:

  1. Reparations for victims of police violence

  2. An apology from the mayor for the racist violence communities have long experienced

  3. An immediate end to all street checks without exception

  4. Defund the Halifax Regional Police by 25% this year, with a plan to completely defund in the longer term.

We urge the municipality to divert resources from the police, who have shown time and time again to be agents of systemic racism and violence against women. Investments in housing, food security, economic security and organizations for women, gender diverse and transgender people are proven approaches to preventing and addressing harm in our communities.

Grace Szucs