Wellness Within Rallies for Universal Pharmacare

Wellness Within has long advocated for public, universal no-cost contraception for all —and this may soon be a reality for Canadians once the Pharmacare Act passes in Fall 2024. Once passed at the federal level, provincial governments will need to make agreements with the federal government to bring free diabetes and contraceptive medications and devices to people across the country.

We will be joining allied organizations fighting to implement this crucial coverage and to protect our public healthcare system at a rally July 16, 2024 from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Peace and Friendship Park. Premiers from across Canada will be gathered in Halifax on that date, and we will seize this opportunity to show up and demand that they implement pharmacare as soon as possible.

The success and benefits of a no-cost contraception program have been seen in both British Columbia and Manitoba. Although contraceptive options are covered through community pharmacare and some drug plans there are many people who fall through the cracks created by this system. People in low paying, part-time, and contract jobs often do not have employer-based health plans. As many as 20% of Nova Scotians have inadequate or no prescription drug coverage.

With life becoming less and less affordable, Nova Scotians need this coverage more than ever. Join us in urging provincial governments to implement universal pharmacare now!

Wellness Within is a volunteer-based registered non-profit organization that serves women, transgender, and nonbinary people who have experienced criminalization and are pregnant or have young children in Nova Scotia, part of the unceded and unsurrendered ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaq people. 

Wellness Within supports people through the full spectrum of reproductive health experience; facilitates workshops and education sessions; develops resource materials; and advocates for reproductive justice issues.

Contact: Natasha Hines, Clinical Director of Wellness Within 9027172956, wellnesswithinns@gmail.com and Dr. Martha Paynter, Director of Research,9022927082 or martha.paynter@gmail.com.

Grace Szucs